

: Notenik 14.6.0 is out and available for free in the Mac App Store, including bug fixes and …

: Notenik 14.3.0 Released Notenik 14.3.0 is out today in the Mac App Store, including support for sub-folders. Happy for great …

: Notenik 14.4.0 Released Notenik 14.4.0 is out, and is available for free from the Mac App Store. This release includes the …

: Reflections on the Christian Message When I think of the overarching message of Christ, three central concepts stand out for me.

: Some Hard Truths About Human Population Growth In 1800, the total human population on our planet was only 1 billion people. It took 127 years for …

: They All Laughed Published a little appreciation for the Gershwin song, “They All Laughed.” Available on …

: Notenik 14.3.0 is out today in the Mac App Store, including support for sub-folders. Happy for great …

: Version 14.2.0 of my open-source app Notenik is now available for free in the Mac App Store, with …

: Notenik 14.1.0 is out, and available for free from the Mac App Store. This release adds a duration …

: Version 14.0.0 of my Mac app Notenik is out today, and available from the Mac App Store. A Notenik …

: Another new version of Notenik out today: 13.5.0! Free and open-source, available through the Mac …

: "Please do not open this door." This is one of the oddest signs I’ve every seen: “Please do not open this door. Doing so …

: To honor Robbie Robertson’s life, and to mark his recent demise, I can think of no better …

: Enjoying morning coffee (and new MB Air 15 in Midnight) on a cool Seattle morning, out back with the …

: Notenik 12.0.0 just released. Available in the Mac App Store. All the info at

: Notenik 11.9.0 just released to the Mac App Store with some fun enhancements, documented in the …

: I’ve doing a bit of a reboot on my web book The Big Ideas in Software Development, which can …

: Another new version of Notenik out today – 11.8.0, available for free from the Mac App Store. …

: Long Time Gone Big day in the neighborhood: they’re finally hauling off the porta-potty that’s been …

: Once you start painting yourself into a corner, it’s hard to put the brush down…. …

: A few contrarian thoughts on the latest advances in AI: “Keeping to the Cackle with AI”. …

: Well, I’m back on again, after a long absence. I’m excited about the new …

: “Why It’s a Bad Time to be a Conservative” - Favorite comment so far: “This …

: My latest post is having a bit of a moment on Medium (up to 1,300 reads and 144 fans, and still …

: Just landed at Dulles! First air travel in over a year!

: When we talk about economics, we often get bogged down in capitalism vs. socialism debates. But …

: Watched new movie The Courier last night. Always enjoy these films based on a true story. Who knew …

: My latest piece is having a bit of a moment on Medium. You can find it here: The Decline of the …

: Used this tip to integrate my into my main site (on this page) and am super pleased with …

: Published The Decline of the Republican Party - First Gradually, and then Suddenly at The Practical …

: Notenik 5.8.0 (and 5.8.1!) released via the Mac App Store, with web-building changes I used to …

: Free Speech at the Crossroads published at The Practical Utopian and on Medium.

: Just launched The Practical Utopian V3: <>, and I’m pretty pleased with …

: For Mac users, there’s a new release of Notenik out, and a new blog post (on and …

: Snowpocalypse ‘21 has descended upon us in Seattle. However Hank, our 90-lb Golden Retriever, …

: I felt more going on yesterday than just a changing of the political guard, and more even than …

: A great day, not just for America, but for humanity: to witness the transition from a leader whose …

: If we want to end The Big Lie, then perhaps it’s time to acknowledge The Big Truth.

: A teaser from my latest post, The Clown Coup: “For both Trump and his dedicated followers, …

: I’m really enjoying my new daily subscription to “Letters from an American” by …

: And here’s the Little Free Library with its first load of books: A few I had laying around …

: Pauline and I got our Little Free Library installed yesterday. We have many in our neighborhood, but …

: As the result of work on my Mac app Notenik this year, I received a novel blessing from a user : May …

: Listening to the latest album from Sarah Jarosz this morning: World on the Ground. She’s been …

: Digging into Doughnut Economics after the holidays, and loving it so far. Well-written, and thick …

: Seattle has its share of coffee-lovers, but I’ll venture a guess that I may be the only one …

: Even though we only made one batch of egg nog this year, apparently it was still enough to fuel …

: I was happy to find these quotations about peace while out looking at Christmas lights a couple of …

: I’ve published a list of 20 of my favorite Xmas tracks. I’ve included lyrics for each …

: Another holiday gem, observed on our walk around the neighborhood yesterday. Notice that Hank is …

: Passed the Greenwood Santa Snow Globe yesterday while we were out for our walk. Santa was out to …

: Trimming the tree with my younger brother, more than a few years ago.

: Notenik Turns the Big Five-O! Notenik version 5.0.0 has been released, closing the books on 2020. So …

: Happy Holidays! A piping hot cup of joe from my favorite Christmas mug…

: Posting Practical Utopian appreciations for my favorite Christmas songs, starting with “The …

: There’s a new post out on The Practical Utopian: Diving Back Into Our American Muddle, in …

: Finished watching Ted Lasso last night. I liked it a lot. It struck me as very Capraesque in many …

: New release of Notenik out today in the Mac App store. It’s been updated for Big Sur, and also …

: New version of my Mac App Notenik available today in the App Store. Free and open-source, and …

: Just finished Utopia Avenue by David Mitchell. A really fun read, especially for anyone with an …

: Homes and Neighborhoods - Part 2 In contrast, this recently built home seems to rise above its surroundings like a modern castle, …

: Homes and Neighborhoods - Part 1 I’m fascinated by the way homes integrate into their surrounding neighborhoods – or …

: Curving Stone Stairs I noticed these interesting stairs today. I love the way the whole stairway curves, including the …

: Walking NW of Green Lake My Golden Retriever Hank and I take each other for a walk pretty much every day of the year. We …

: Check out my latest Practopian piece, on The Progressive Problem.

: Just released Notenik, my first genuine, no-fooling Mac app into the App Store. You can find it …

: Just reactivated my account at, and set up cross-posting to Twitter …

: New Blog Post: “A Practopian Approach to Gun Issues in the US”… …

: Just had a Professor connect with me via LinkedIn with the message “Your review of the …

: Changed Title of last Practopians Post. It’s now called: Art and the Eye of the Beholder

: Just posted “Why Art?” at

: Also just released version 4.12 of Notenik, my free, open-source note-taking app. Fixed a few bugs …

: Just released version 6.00 of PSTextMerge. Java UI has been converted from Swing to JavaFX. …

: Now microblogging at, with cross-posting to Twitter and Facebook.

: iTunes on the Mac can't actually play a song any longer? Ever since the beginning of the Mac, the graphical user interface has worked in the following way: …