“Why It’s a Bad Time to be a Conservative” - Favorite comment so far: “This is a good, well-reasoned line of thought and one I haven’t seen expressed quite this way before.” Multiple reading options: <practopian.org/cross-pos…>
My latest post is having a bit of a moment on Medium (up to 1,300 reads and 144 fans, and still rising), but you can read it there, on my website, or on substack: <practopian.org/cross-pos…>
Just landed at Dulles! First air travel in over a year!
When we talk about economics, we often get bogged down in capitalism vs. socialism debates. But can’t we feel concern for society as a whole, and for the environment, without capitalists feeling threatened? Perhaps, if we could just think about our economy a little differently.
Watched new movie The Courier last night. Always enjoy these films based on a true story. Who knew that Mrs. Maisel took a break from her family and her stand-up comedy career to don a blond wig, visit Moscow, and prevent a nuclear holocaust in the sixties? Go figure.
My latest piece is having a bit of a moment on Medium. You can find it here: The Decline of the Republican Party — First Gradually and then Suddenly.
Published The Decline of the Republican Party - First Gradually, and then Suddenly at The Practical Utopian and on Medium.
Notenik 5.8.0 (and 5.8.1!) released via the Mac App Store, with web-building changes I used to create the latest version (V3!) of The Practical Utopian.
Free Speech at the Crossroads published at The Practical Utopian and on Medium.
Just launched The Practical Utopian V3: <practopian.org>, and I’m pretty pleased with the way it turned out. Built with Notenik.
For Mac users, there’s a new release of Notenik out, and a new blog post (on Notenik.net and on Medium) about Using Notenik in some Trendy, Cool Ways. Can anyone say Zettelkasten?
Snowpocalypse ‘21 has descended upon us in Seattle. However Hank, our 90-lb Golden Retriever, seems unperturbed. Here he is enjoying his after-breakfast chew in our backyard, as he does every morning.
I felt more going on yesterday than just a changing of the political guard, and more even than renewed hope for our democracy… it felt to me like A Resumption of our Humanity.
A great day, not just for America, but for humanity: to witness the transition from a leader whose only conception of human relations was of leader and follower, to a set of leaders demonstrating so many dimensions of what it means to be part of a rich human community.
If we want to end The Big Lie, then perhaps it’s time to acknowledge The Big Truth.
A teaser from my latest post, The Clown Coup: “For both Trump and his dedicated followers, however, (and perhaps for much of our society in this third decade of the 21st century), there seems to be little cerebral differentiation between play-acting and the real thing.”
I’m really enjoying my new daily subscription to “Letters from an American” by Heather Cox Richardson. Not too long, but detailed enough to provide useful historical context to the day’s events.
And here’s the Little Free Library with its first load of books: A few I had laying around that were good enough to share but not destined to become part of the Permanent Collection.
Pauline and I got our Little Free Library installed yesterday. We have many in our neighborhood, but ours was the first on our block, and I’m looking forward to seeing the flow of books in and out.